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Spiritual Development

Spiritual Renewal Day ‘23

Elementary Spiritual Life

Weekly Chapel Programs
Northland elementary students participate in weekly Chapel services. Kindergarten and LEAP students worship together on Wednesday mornings with students in grades one through five from 9:30am- 10am. Every other Wednesday, students will participate in Life Groups during Chapel time. Chapels are student-led. Life groups are led by staff. Each week a different class is in charge of the services. Students lead the prayers, songs, skits, etc. Chapel is one of the highlights of the Northland elementary experience.

Service Projects
Elementary students are in their 5th year of conducting monthly service projects led by a different grade level each month. Organizations served have been Operation Christmas Child, active military personnel, and many others. Our goal is to emphasize compassion and the ability to think outside of ourselves by helping to meet the needs of others.

Each January, NCS elementary students collect canned goods for people in the local community who are in need. The food is donated to the MANNA pantry, an outreach program of one of the local churches.
Other class-wide and school-wide service projects emerge as the needs of the local community arise.

Bible Classes
Each homeroom conducts daily Bible classes. Students come to know the Word of God by studying the Scriptures. Children “hide God’s Word” in their hearts by memorizing Scriptures each week. Both Old and New Testament concepts are taught.

Elementary Cougar Council
Students in grades 1-5 who choose to serve on this Council are exposed to various ways of serving others and the organizational skills needed to complete large-scale service projects. Past school-wide projects organized by the Council have included a clothing drive for NAM, the “Souper Bowl of Caring” food drive, Pennies for Patients for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and a Teddy Bear drive for the Houston Police Department. Council students also spend time on campus doing various service projects in preschool and elementary classrooms. Council members are blessed to experience the gratification that goes into serving others in their community.

Secondary Spiritual Life

We are spiritual beings and, as such, we seek to honor God in all that we do (Col. 3:23). Spiritual life is not just something we do here at NCS – it is who we are (John 10:10). This thread runs throughout our campus on a daily basis. It may occur as a teacher leads prayer in class, as students join together off-campus for weekly Bible studies, or on the Athletic fields as we seek to honor God with our abilities and character. One of the many ways we provide for spiritual growth is to set aside some specific time each week for corporate worship and study.

Weekly Chapel Programs
Northland Chapel is held every other Wednesday and is a time where our campus chaplains, school staff and special guests address Biblical content in a way that challenges and speaks to students. We seek to provide students opportunities to use their gifts to enhance the spiritual life of Northland. Whether it is on a praise team, sharing in chapel, serving in a support position, or participating in class chapels, we encourage students to step up and own their faith throughout various opportunities in chapel. At various times throughout the year we also have special family chapels but parents are always welcome to attend and experience chapel at Northland.

Spiritual Life Groups
Each student on campus is paired up with a Spiritual Life Group Leader and meets once a month for an intentional focus on community and Christian study. Upperclassmen have the opportunity to be involved by applying to become Spiritual Life Group Leaders for middle school students.

Service Projects
In addition to the student’s individual community service, there are several school-wide service opportunities that students may choose to participate.

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