Phone: (281) 440-1060

Souper Bowl of Caring

We are excited to join the nationwide campaign, Souper Bowl of Caring, to collect food next week to be given to the Manna Pantry at Bammel Church of Christ. Bringing the items listed below EACH day will allow you to wear spirit wear that day.

High School students, you will give your items to your 1st period teacher as your “spirit wear pass” for that day. Middle School students will bring their items to their 2nd period teacher (except for Wednesday–bring them to your 3rd period teacher). Elementary students will bring them to their homeroom teacher.


HS & MS: a box of dry cereal
ELEM: canned fruit


HS: a jar of peanut butter
MS: a jar of jelly
ELEM: a box of Hamburger Helper


HS & MS: a box of mac and cheese
ELEM: canned pasta (like ravioli or spaghetti o’s)


HS and MS: two cans of soup or chili
Elem: a bottle of vegetable oil or a jar of applesauce


Everyone: canned beans or a jar of pasta sauce